Does soundproofing improve or harm sound?

I am building a house and because of electrical mods, the GC knows I am an audiophile. He asked if I wanted soundproofing. I have never had soundproofing and don't know 1) if its effective; 2) if it will harm sound quality or improve it or not effect it.

The room is rectangular in shape and is 12 X 16 feet. Any input is appreciated.
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G, Mass, in the four walls as well as 5/8 sheetrock will make an audible improvement. Cross Fur the ceiling AFTER sheetrock with RC and you will reduce or eliminate the ugly treatments later. Use 6inch accoustic insulation in 31/2 inch walls combined with the 5/8 board and you reduce the resonant freqency of the wall. These few extras will generate HUGE returns on money spent. Z.
Are you sure the GC knows anything about acoustic treatment vs. soundproofing? The former is to improve the quality of sound inside the space and the latter is to keep it from getting out of the space. Not at all the same.

For info, take a look at:

Soundproofing keeps the sound of airplanes and crying children out of the room and minimized the sounds of explosions in the rest of your house.

With regard to getting a flat response and killing slap echo within the room, that's a whole other ballgame that requires diffusers, absorbers, bass traps, etc.

If you play your music loud, and you feel that soundproffing the room would keep your music from disurbing the rest of the household, go for it. (I only wish that I had that option!) I don't think it will affect the sound quality (to a large extent) to be honest.

My two cents worth anyway.