Electrical fields

I am thinking of moving my equipment rack to a different side of my listening room (which is in my basement). Just when I find the perfect spot, I realize it is only a couple feet from my house electrical breaker box (150amp service-power company meter in the basement next to the box). How far would I need to be, or what could I use to shield the box, to prevent any electrical field from it affecting my component rack/cable runs?

I have 3 EE and 2 camels...not agree with Jeff. Why you think we spend $$$ on sheilded power chords....stupid to place equipment close to main box, always give component the least amount of work to do is better. So power chiord sheilding not have to work hard when 20 feet from source of energy.
talks of computer near power source has no significant on audio equip. Talke of field halved is no significant whem we don't know strenght of field. Half of what = too close?

All mumbo from men with ee's...

Keep as much in distance at least 20 ft to be safe...better safe than audio nervosa

Why not move a couple of houses down just to be safe. I think 20-25 feet is not enough. I changed the battery on my car before. Is that as good as a EE?