experience w/ Auralex room treatment

I am getting a wool (wall to wall)carpet for my listening room tomorrow which I have freshly painted and everything is now much more pleasing to the eye. I would like to reduce the amount of ugly home made room tratments and try to treat my live sounding room with a more aesthetically pleasing alternative to blue mattress eggcrate foam stuff. I was at my local guitar / Pro audio shop today, and I saw one of their small rooms treated with a $329.00 absorption kit of room treatment from Auralex. It actually looked decent in the burgundy and gray color they had. Does anyone have any experience with this or similar sonex type products. Thanks in advance.
i use auralex in my listening room. it made a very noticeable difference in my room in clearing things up by reducing slap-echo effects. just remember, it's always good to mix absorbsion and diffusion so you don't end up with a dead listening space.
I've been using auralex products for about a year. Probably the best $100 I ever spent in terms of bang for the buck. You might want to check out their website. They will do a free room analysis for you and make recommendations on locations for room treatments.
Like Lazarus28, I too use Auralex with great results. I use the 4" Pyramids, Q-fusers and T-fusers (modified). The pyramids are gray and diffusers are painted the same color as the ceiling. Because the diffusers are supposed to be painted, you can match to your decor. Don't get the foam in anything but gray because the other colors are hideous. I really like Auralex products because they look good (once painted, etc) and they are inexpensive. Go to their website and look at the gallery, or better yet call them and get a catalog – the pictures are better on hard copy. Finally, I have found that the best place to buy them is from


This place has the lowest price, fast shipping and great service (no, I don’t work there or anything like that).
