Solution to a ground loop problem

I have a low hum which I have been told is from a ground loop caused by the cable TV coming into the home. What is the best solution?
Thanks all!!!! What'a team.....with quick, great responses. I already tried my cable company...oh boy was that a great experience, hold, hold hold...deny,deny,deny. "Not my problem man.." I'll try some of your suggestions, thanks.
Good luck with the cable company....been there, done that and no satisfaction whatsoever. Stay away form the "quick fix" like the cheater plugs and be sure to consider a product that will not weaken of your cable signal.
"Good luck with the cable company....been there, done that and no satisfaction whatsoever."

Keep trying. On the 3rd service call, I finally got a tech who, while first spouting the company line that ground loops due to an improper cable ground are unknown, listened to the setup and what I had to say. He then said, "What the heck! It will take me 10 minutes to redo the grounding." After he did, I proved to him that it was effective: No more hum.

I had the same problem you have and I solved it with the Mondial Magic Brick as Dollysowner did.
I gave away my Mondial Magic Brick when my ground loop was cured. The Brick had problems with the DMX signals on my cable.
