Problem with AC and how to solve it

I have a problem with the voltage at my country home. It's either too high or too low, I'm not sure. The result is that my amps are buzzing, sometimes so loud that I can hear the buzz from my listening chair, witch is some 12 feet away. This buzz is annoying but I could live with it if it didn't affect the sound. Saddly enough, it does. Has anyone been exposed to that problem and if so, have you found any solution.

My amps are Classé's CAM-200 monoblocks. They are dead quiet when the voltage is ok.
Totally correct! It is the Current that makes the differance not the voltage. So if its buzzing then there is something else wrong. All that you need to look at the voltage level is a Digital Volt Meter. You can see if its actually a voltage flux or not. My guess is a bad dimmer somewhere or a balast from another product on the same line.
Some sort of regenerator is worth it. Solves all sorts of issues and just makes things sound better. If you can hear the noise 10' away just think about the stuff you can't hear that is effecting sound. Ps audio seems to be the most popular.
BigTee had one of the best responses I've read on the site. I remember a halogen standing lamp that had me convinced it was a ground loop and a single misplaced power cord too close to an interconnect.

Consider getting an electrician to test your home's electrical. If there is a problem, I saw a 5KVA 110 volt regulator on Ebay for a ridiculously good price but shipping would be expensive for the 250 lbs. That's almost 50 amps and could handle most of the house.

If the problem is dirty power from within the house and it can't be turned off, another way to go is isolation transformers. Digital gear is prone to causing electrical noise.