Lak Needs Transport CD Assistance :-

I have two different transports (a back-up Conrad Johnson) and a (CEC TL 51 00Z in a secondary system) that have started to skip a second or two of music, multiple times per (clean or new) CD I play.
Can some one tell me what’s happening and why?
Do I need to send it back to the manufacturer for repair?
What do you suggest I do?
How expensive will it be?
Sincere thanks for anythought upon the problem.
Have a safe and wonderful holiday!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xlak
Rat shack carries a good, but inexpensive, lens cleaning solution??? Worth a try...
Larry, get a can of Invisible Glass at an auto parts store. Spray some on a Q-tip and gently touch the lens assembly. Let it sit for a few seconds. Remove extra by just touching the wet lens with a piece of toilet paper. Rinse with demineralized water and blow excess with canned air. Works for me.

When was the last time the lens was cleaned anyway?

Thanks all.
Good to hear from you Francisco!
I never cleaned the lens. I'll have to try it.
How’s the weather in your neck of the woods?
Happy holidays...
Cleaning the lens did the trick for the CEC unit. I have not tried it on the Conrad Johnson transport yet!
Great information, thanks to all and have a happy New Year.