Cable TV Picture Stinks

My picture from Time Warner Digital box stinks; Best output is S-Video and I've already hooked up a expensive S-video cable. Picture still very grainy and pixelled. Will a scaler help? JCB
Is this an issue with both analog and digital channels? Some of my locals and the bottom 100 channels are not digital and some really really suck and its just the way it is, bit the digital feeds look great, is this any way what you experience?
Make sure your connections are clean from outside house (especialy outside where they are in more harsh conditions) and also inside house. I had same trouble once, cleaned all connections and that was that. It dont take much oxidation or whatever to cause that particular problem, well for me at least.
I just recently "fixed" this issue in my house. There is a single Cable TV feed that comes into your property, which
is then split up into multiple wires that go into different rooms in your house (living room, bedrooms, kitchens, etc.) The more branches this cable gets split into, the worst the signal becomes. I had 6 branches from my splitter, we had major issues with color smears and grainy/pixelated pictures. At first I thought my TV was going bad, but I had 3 different TVs that all have the same issues ... Anyway, I did some research and conclude that I need a Cable TV amplifier. Went on Ebay, bought a good one and voila!, everything becomes crystal clear again. I don't know if you have this same problem, but if you want to pursue this path, I can tell you in details what I did ...
Remember the cable has to pass through PLENTY of connections befor it gets to your home.
Even one loose connection at the splitter out in your neighborhood can ruin your picture. A faulty field amplifier can too. Time Warner does not give a damn about this.
I still remember years ago when the entire system broke down (except near downtown where I live) and my cable picture quality was INCREADIBLY GOOD for just that evening. When the rest of the system came back up, my picture became the same crappy fuzzy junk it was before. (this was pre-digital)
I called and asked what happened... and got no reply.
They mass market idiot fodder... Do you really think they are going to give you more than the very minimum they can get away with?
If you complain, the will send a (so-called) technician, (a high school drop-out with a truck) to check out your problem. Then if that is not good enough, they will send out TWO high-school drop outs with TWO trucks. (I have had as many as THREE idiots at one time, standing around!! This was when the first idiot dropped the cable back down into the wall for the dude upstairs.. he never did get cable.)
Theses idiots have no got a clue beyond how to dial a cellphone and ask some other roaming idiot in a truck for advice.
I could go on all day about Time-Warner service... Suffice to say I cancelled and live with the local over the air digital.
First check the connections between the pole or apt box and your dwelling. These idiots in a truck will often loosen YOUR connection for unknown reasons when connecting someone else, then fail to tighten yours back up
Had the same issue with time warner. (I have 6tvs and 3 computer lines off the cable line) I put in 2 amps (about $20 each) on the cable connections and have had great reception since then.