Acoustic TReatments - What, How much, & Where?

Hello all you room treatmentfiles.

Being at the point where I probably should have begun, now, I want to 'treat' the room, acoustically. Economic reasons say I might have to go by way of ‘foam’ stick ups on the wall, but I’d really rather not. The desired alternative, however, is panels, and they are mighty pricey. OK.

Reading over the online info at various panel makers websites, (ASC, RPG, GIK, etc), some panels have different ranges of absorbtion, reflection, etc. according to the makers.

Q: How do you know just the amount of absorbtion, or diffusion to incorporate into the room via panels, traps, etc.?

Is there some Rosetta stone that will decrypt this for me… or is it all “trial & ear-ror”?

GIK panels seem the most feasible cost alternative, presently.

Any suggestions or related experiences in regard to sources for, or treatments of, will be more than a welcome thing.

Thank you
Glad to hear you are working on the room. Whether you go DIY (which may be a little trial and error) or hire a design group to engineer the room, you will be much happier.

I don't know if this is the Rosetta stone, but this resource page may help you on your quest. Be sure to click on the listening room on the left of the page--it's kind of a tutorial that will give some basic insight. The simulator is kind of fun too.

Rives Resource Page
Nice resource page (Rives).

Checked it out but am not happy with what I read:

"Speaker Placement
I don't want a hard wall on one side and a massive opening to a kitchen on the other. It will be virtually impossible to get a sound stage and imaging with this"

Well crickey - that describes my listening room.
Time to sell my rig and put in a big screen ???
Rives - thanks. I've read so many web pages lately about the Basics of Acoustics, products, DIY, modes, speaker placements, waveforms.. etc. I'm losing it. You're not connected with the website are you? Doesn't matter actually, but it came to mind.. as I had just read about a review of what I thought was a Rives analog EQ, though it was quite old. 3 or 4 years ago, I think... Stereophile. But I thought that a way to go eventually.... if I had too. Money will decide that issue all by itself. I will look over things at the site in any case. Again, thanks.

I'm not far from your situation... I've two openings in my room, one to either side... one larger by far than the other... and they are not quite inline with one another... almost. I can close off the openings. I will soon. Probably my Xmas present to me. Doors! A swell present, huh?
RE imaging
Perhaps they meant "without treatment" things would be tougher, though I'm not sure, not having read that section yet.
I would suggest that you pick up a used RTA. (real time analyzer) A Behringer DSP8024 with mic goes for a bit over $225 on Ebay. Its the best investment that I ever made. Using the RTA function, you can see whats going on in your room. Locate the listening position that has the flattest responce. It will show you what that 1/4 turn of the tube trap did. It may take a while to learn how to use it, but it will be time well spent! There are the standard 1st reflection, flutter echo and bass traps in the corners treatments, but how much? You may not need as much treatment as you might expect. When you're done with it, you can sell it.
Try calling the folks at Echobusters. Very helpful and insightful. If you fax them a schematic of your audio room they will recommend the proper acoustic treatments.