Acoustic TReatments - What, How much, & Where?

Hello all you room treatmentfiles.

Being at the point where I probably should have begun, now, I want to 'treat' the room, acoustically. Economic reasons say I might have to go by way of ‘foam’ stick ups on the wall, but I’d really rather not. The desired alternative, however, is panels, and they are mighty pricey. OK.

Reading over the online info at various panel makers websites, (ASC, RPG, GIK, etc), some panels have different ranges of absorbtion, reflection, etc. according to the makers.

Q: How do you know just the amount of absorbtion, or diffusion to incorporate into the room via panels, traps, etc.?

Is there some Rosetta stone that will decrypt this for me… or is it all “trial & ear-ror”?

GIK panels seem the most feasible cost alternative, presently.

Any suggestions or related experiences in regard to sources for, or treatments of, will be more than a welcome thing.

Thank you
I am in your same position. I have been researching acoustic treatments for almost 6 months now. My biggest problem is that most treatments are pretty unsightly. I am not lucky enought to have a dedicated listening room. Instead I converted my living room into a music parlor with our grand piano and various guitars. This means that appearances is a very important consideration. Only recently have I made up my mind about which treatments to use. I know the products I chose are probably not the best but i think they offer the best compromise between performance and looks. Anyway, here is what I am going to use:

Eighth Nerve tri-corner and corner treatments (these are VERY small and inobtrusive)
GIK corner bass trap (these fit very nicely into a corner and can be used as a platform for decorations)
Acoustics First Sonora panels in custom sizes for 1st reflection points and wall behind speakers (with custom sizes I can design something artsy on the walls).

I estimate I will spend < $1500 for all of this. I hope this helps.

Everyone else, please feel free to let me know if I am missing something or if I am smokin' crack!
I wrote a post for the Rives forum this morning--and the server lost it--along w/ my stream of thought!!!

Rives, the Marantz Esotec Ma-5 class A monoblocks are keepers. The Ma-5's have the magic holographic, harmonic presentation & decay of tubes with the beef, bass control and neutrality of tone solid state is characteristic for. Since in this setup I'm so close to the speakers the SPL produced by the little 30W monoblocks is adequate. My Forté 4 is not getting modded. Will keep you posted.

Weimboy, an open space can be successfully handled by Helmholz resonators. Member Jahaira built three of them and uses them in his house, where his listening space is open to the dining room. The ideal locations might take a while to discover. He said he'll bring them to my new setup; I expect them to deal with lateral diffusion. You ought to check them out.

Tbooe, I find Eight Nerve stuff too expensive & ugly. Slap echo can be handled by Golden Sound Acoustic Discs, and that's what I use.

Weim_boy and Blindjim, You can overcome a lot of the effect of the hard wall on the side of one speaker by simply toeing in your speakers til the axis of the speaker crosses at your hear or in front of you. Removes most of the side wall reflection issues, increases center focus, and makes a much wider usable stereo spread. Looks odd but works for most box speakers. Try it.

In treating your room, don't forget that you can use wall hangings, book cases, drapes hung over walls as if they were covering a picture window,etc. It doesn't have to be expensive audio product to get the job done.

If your going to go with the audio stuff before you buy make sure its purpose fits your needs, otherwise you will be wasting your money.
Hey guys/gals, Rives,
thanks for your comments/input.

Last night I did a few things to my room which made a noteable improvement.

First I moved the speakers further into the room, further apart and toed them in a bit.

Then I covered my Billy bags 500 cd rack with a comforter (this sits on a record cabinet on the back wall - the rest of the back wall is the stereo rack & tall record cabinets)

Next I got rid of the kithen - I moved the VPU 16.5 record cleaner in and voila - a vinyl maintainance room

Next opened the windows doors on the wall opposing the vinyl maintainance room.

This week end I'm planning to float some shakti stones on maple platforms in the pacific ocean which is in sight ~ 2 miles away - I'm hoping that this will be the glue that binds the sound stage together.


Newbee, i am no expert but i thought toe in reduces the soundstage width? In my room, as I decreased toe in I found the soundstage to increase width wise tremendously. Am i missing something.