Acoustic TReatments - What, How much, & Where?

Hello all you room treatmentfiles.

Being at the point where I probably should have begun, now, I want to 'treat' the room, acoustically. Economic reasons say I might have to go by way of ‘foam’ stick ups on the wall, but I’d really rather not. The desired alternative, however, is panels, and they are mighty pricey. OK.

Reading over the online info at various panel makers websites, (ASC, RPG, GIK, etc), some panels have different ranges of absorbtion, reflection, etc. according to the makers.

Q: How do you know just the amount of absorbtion, or diffusion to incorporate into the room via panels, traps, etc.?

Is there some Rosetta stone that will decrypt this for me… or is it all “trial & ear-ror”?

GIK panels seem the most feasible cost alternative, presently.

Any suggestions or related experiences in regard to sources for, or treatments of, will be more than a welcome thing.

Thank you
THANK YOU...very informative. May I ask what test cd you use? Are the ones offered by Chesky any good? If so, which one?
I use "The Sheffield/XLO" test and burn in disc. It provides some tracks useful in set up including some good out of phase tracks as well as a 'walkabout' and signals for burn in use.

I also use a Stereophile Test disc, which measures low frequencies, in conjunction with a Radio Shack Sound level meter. I also use a test disc put out by Rives which is already calibrated for the RS meter.

Lastly I use a disc which is really a compilation of very simply recorded music performances which is an outstanding way of charting your progress in setting up your system and room. Its Test Disc 1, "Depth of Image" by Opus 3. It has been suceeded but is still available in a similar disc put out by Opus 3 and I understand its available on the 'net. The only negative part of owning this disc is that its a standard thats hard to meet. The will tell you on each track what to expect but you may not hear it! All that means is you still have work to do.

Have fun!

P.S. I also have the Chesky disc but I don't use it.

As integral as test CD's are... Just how do you determine, for example, the coefficient of the absorbers/diffusers needed? Many of the ones I've looked at post their own measurements of NRC ratings at different Hz....

Also, what's best behind the speakers, absorption, or diffusion?
Re last question, see my comments to Tboooe's thread on Room treatments if you're interested in my opinion.

I'll defer to Rives on your first question - I'm sure he would know - thats why he get paid the big bucks. :-)