What about 2 separate audio systems as one?

For years I have tried to figure out a way to evenly fill a room with sound.

After about 35 years I believe I have discovered "The Missing Link" if you will in a High-End Audio system.

We All have 2 simple choices to achieve High quality sound.{1.} do like all the folks in the thread "how much does your system cost?" and put together the best single system you can afford.{he,he,he,he}Or {2.} You can follow my lead;
Simply said, I put together the most efficient accurate system I could afford{not much}to make my Front system.
Next,I did the exact same thing in the rear,except for the Source.
Robert Harley in his Guide to Audio, shows a diagram showing what a 2 channel system looks like in a graph.
It looks like a half-moon.
That is how the 2 channel system fills the room.{half}
But to complete the circle, simply add another similar system to the rear.Now you have a full circle of sound.
Sound is "All around you" and the sweet thing is,with 2 Velodyne 15" subs. the bass foundation is truly seemless and "seismic", and with 2 tractrix horns, 2 active 15",2 active 12", 2 active 8", 2 passsive 15" from the ground to about 78" the front is so dynamic 101db. sensitive.

The rear,similar sensitivity, I use 2 more 15" active,2 active 12",2 more horns, along with the rear Velodyne 15". From ground to about 80" the sound is so dynamic behind amplification capaple of 1000 watts per channel dynamic power,500wpc. RMS @4ohms; The Front and back systems have their own seperate amplification.
If you have a long large room, 2 loudspeakers no matter the size will never be able to fill a room the way my system can.And with so much power available, few people have ever truly witnessed what this much clean power can do to crockery,pictures,windows etc...if your child dials the V up the "Jump Factor" that speaker designers talk about becomes a reality.
The Sources I use are a Sony SACD 555ES, JVC DVD Audio,Sony XA7ES.The XA7ES is the workhorse teamed with the Benchmark Dac1,With a Transparent Audio Super Power cord,Audio Alchemy Data Stream for un-corrupted signal transfer,AA's biggest power supply.
To send the sound to the rear I simply run a loop out of my Museteax Melior pre-amp, to my Musical Fidelity pre-amp to C.D.
Realizing that your system is only as good as the weakest link, I use Straight wire Maestro speaker wire and interconnects with magical results.
Audio Power's Power Wedges work fine for me.
The sound, folks when you hear the very first sound, you know you are in for something never experienced before!
Learning from the Pro's in their aproach to filling a given room with sound.Have speakers all around, have sufficient power to where you are filling a room with less than 1-2 watts of power! With 500 more to spare.A music metamorphosis occurs where the entire room is enveloped in sound...The sheer power even at the lowest level's every detail is clearly reproduced like never before.
With room coverage like this, the room volume is so much more easy to control,because the whole room is the "Sweet Spot" instead of the 4"-6" area most of You enjoy.
You know that your sound is it, when you go to CES hear the "Best" and then come home to what I now enjoy daily.
Big sound requires foundation bass,effortless mids. and highs that are sweeter than honey.To realize this;You gotta have big speakers and plenty of amplification.There is no such thing as "too much power" since you decide what level you enjoy.
The more clean power you have, the cleaner the sound is at even the lowest levels.Minute details become more easily heard.
True I can fill a room of 300-500 people with clean power.But in my living room, I feel like Disnyland and I have the "Space Mountain" ride in Audio.

Pauly, Why the insult? Did I insult You?

This forum is new to me, true I started 5 threads;Is there a problem?
Are you the "thread monitor"?
Because I am new to this, I started a thread and I thought the moderaters denied posting it.
So I changed the subject, but being new to this I did not know.
Then after a few hours all 5 threads were up and I only wanted 1.
But Pauly, I thought this was all in "FUN", so why offend me?

"Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge,You will be judged; and with the same measure you use. it will be measured back to you."Math.7-1

"Bless those who perscute you; bless and do not curse."Romans12-14

"But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall burn with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."Rev.21-8

If the TRUTH hurts, I can't help that...but if my threads bother you, then move on, don't HATE.
My intention has never been to be hurtful in any way.Lighten-up!
we're just goof'n with ya. Relax, take a deep breath, and re-read what you posted and see if you understand it. Try youe poar on Audio Asylum and see what happens. Fasten your seatbelt!!
Shake it off Bshabaz. Maybe he didnt mean it. Sometimes it just comes out wrong. It didnt sound like hate to me though. Just ribbing at you a bit, albeit enthusiastically. Anyway, I thought your post was fun.

"Set an example of good works yourself, with integrity and dignity in your teaching. Your message is to be sound beyond reproach, so that the opponent will be ashamed, having nothing bad to say about us." Ti 2:7-8
Warren...Distortion...you guys are being far to kind.

Bshabaz...you state that you started 5 threads that you assumed Audiogon did not accept and that "all of sudden...there they were"


I call B.S.

I would believe you if all the threads were started on the same day...however...they were started on 1/7...three on 1/10...and a final one on 1/18.

That hardly supports your "why aren't my threads showing up theory...I had better repost" theory.

Not to mention...pretty much every one of your threads were nonsensical trolls.


if you didn't like what you heard...what did you do?


I'm not meaning to offend any people of faith here...but really.

WTF is that all about.

Just because we call you out on your utterly ridiculous posts (which they in fact are...utterly ridiculous...not to mention...they are little more than trolls) You break out your learning bible and start throwing garbage quotes around.

like this one...

"But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall burn with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."Rev.21-8

WTF...so because YOU were called out, teased...whatever...WE are now murderers, sexually immoral, liars...yada yada yada?
