Genelex Gold Lion KT-88 reissued tubes

Has anyone purchased these tubes and what are your impressions of the sound?
Flyfish2002, First, consider that the KT120 has only just recently hit the market. Other than its rating there is little to substantiate a recommendation for 'reliability'. But, the spec's are impressive and I can understand why Chris would recommend them as an alternative.

FWIW, I have some SFM's in my attic which I purchased used. The previous owner had problems with tubes in it (he was using KT88's not know for stability) and gave up out of frustration. I used SED 6550's - had no problems until I plugged in a 'rugged' KT88 and one went and took out a cathode resistor. I had it repaired and recapped - after which I lost one of my SED 6550's in one. Now they just sits in the 'attic' - I need neither the power nor the hassle of hauling it to the techie.

I'm not dis'ing these amps, they sound fine, its just that they were designed around a very rugged tube (EI KT99), which haven't been available for a long time, that could handle the very high plate voltage of these amps (650 as I recall - read your manual for exact specs).

Thanks, Newbee. I am not ready to throw in the towel just yet. These are well-built amps that with Chris' top end mod provide me with alot of enjoyment. I like the SF house sound and am on the hunt for a cream puff pair of Power 3s - fully balanced and no issues with over running tubes.
sound-wise they were great but my matched quad from Jim McShane went south on me in 4 mos. (wouldn't hold bias in both channels) normally i get about a year out of a quad of EH's before they lose their sparkle. i won't buy the gold lions again. i think i'll try the shuggie's from Mr. Deal next...the cheap ones...350 is out of my league

What is a "shuggie" from Mr. Deal?

So the GL KT-88 just didn't hold up for you as you would have expected - 4 mos is crazy. Jim McShane is purportedly one of the "good guys" in tube audio. Did you communicate back to him?

shuggie's are from upscale audio...the shuguang (sp?)kt88's. the gold lions i got from jim were well out of warranty & they are tubes so it can be expected occasionally. both mcshane & deal have always been top knotch