I'd love some help/opinions

I am brand new to the site and I am in audio geek heaven, even though I really don't know much of anything. I used to be a entry-fi nut and ended up with a set of AMC 2445 amps/ AV81HT pre and some Snell Type J IIIs. Well I'm at a point now where I can spend some more dough and I'd like to up the ante so to speak. I'm looking at either monoblocking a pair of Rotel 1080's or getting a Bryston 4B ST. I've heard the Bryston and its amazing, I love it and I'd love to build my system around one. Would the 1080's even be close to the 4B ST if they were monoblocked? I've got about $3500-$4000 to spend on a new amp/pre and speakers. I'd like to spend $1500 on the amp, $800 on the pre, and a $1200 on the speakers, with a little left over for cabling. I really love the Bryston, but would love a complimentary pre, or some good suggestions. I'd also like some speakers that sound stage very well. I've been scouring the site, but I seem to get more and more confused. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Mike.
OK thanks for the responses. I appreciate it. Now that I've looked around the site a little, it looks like I can get a Classe CA-200 or an Ayre V3 for about the same price as the Bryston. Any opinions? How are these different than the Bryston? Any speaker recommendations? Thanks in advance for any advice/opinions.
I don't know how long you owned your Snell loudspeakers, but you made a very fine choice! Those spks., if they sound anything like the J-IV/E-III's, have a warm balance w/good bass. They probably use Vifa drivers. Not knowing your tastes, but some spks. sound analytical and others sound musical. The amp, pre-amp, room and a world of other factors influence the sound. Its really a very costly and complex process finding the right synergy. I'd first found the right spk. and build around that spk. However, the spk. you presently own is very good. A few tweeks might really improve your present/future system/s. I hope this helps somewhat. Bill.
The Ayre V3 is one of the better sounding solid state amps. IMHO, it will give you more natural sounding midrange and treble vs. the Bryston, and more details than the Classe. Relatively speaking, the Bryston is known mostly for its dynamic drive and bass; the Classe for its slightly warm, friendly balance and the Ayre for a bit of both with more refinement. Cheers,
I'd personally plan to spend a little more for the spks. Bill

I concur with Bill.

Mike, it seems you are bent on a splashing out on a big brawny amplifier...just remember that amplifier specifications are several orders of magnitude lower in distortion compared to even the very best speakers! Finding great quality speakers for your tastes and then eventually upgrading to a suitable amplifier would be my recommended path - not the other way round.
Perfect! Thanks guys! SO if I'm looking at spending $900-$1200 on a used pair of speakers that soundstage well and are good at resolving detail, am I going to find anything better than my Snell JIII's or would I just be spinning my wheels? I do like the silk tweeters, and I am nervous about going to some form of metal (too harsh?). By the way, I'm pretty sure that the J's have a mod on the crossover. The guy who owned them before me was quite the audiophile.

Thanks again!