The Importance of Audio Furniture

When reading reviews of electronics at trade shows I find that the Audio Racks and Stands that are used are almost never mentioned.Some noteworthy reviews show a $8000 preamp sitting in a $6000 cabinet and others show preamp's sitting atop the nightstand that came with the room.This begs the question how important is audio furniture and what are you using ?
"Audio Furniture" Adds nothing to the systen and usually gets in the way of good sound. I see a lot of great components that are stacked into a "entertainment center" All speakers need room to breathe. must be that WAF thing.
Most manufacturers of audio equipment don't make stands or furniture. When they are showing their equipment at a show, I suppose that they want the focus of attention to be on their equipment, not to provide free advertising to someone else's stand. Perhaps a reviewer reading this thread may wish to comment as to why they don't mention stands/furniture.

Proper equipment stands and furniture do make a difference of course. If it doesn't, then people should feel free to place their monitors on the floor, or in the china cabinet, or on top of a bar fridge in their basement listening room. Or they could put one on top of their amp and the other one on an overturned flower pot. When I was in university, I had one speaker on my bed headboard and the other one on a clothes trunk....on diagonally opposite corners of the room. Surround sound from only two speakers!
If a stand/cabinet has any glass, just say no. It would 'sing' along with your speakers. Best it be wood.