Help shipping a speaker over seas

I'm in the process of shipping a pair of monitors overseas and getting a bit worried on all the things that potentially can go wrong once the parcel is out of my hands.

Any shipping tips or must do's that would help alleviate my concerns that I should consider
The speakers are approx 40lbs each and 12x10x9

Any relevant opinions very much appreciated
I have never encountered this as a requisite. When I sold my speakers to Paul in Hong Kong, I sold them as an individual. Perhaps since they were picked up at my company, this was not an issue as they work with my company for our business shipping of specific items to certain locations.

So you may be 100% correct, but it would seem easy enough to just book the shipment through your employer/company if necessary.
All freight forwarder or shipping company can do the job. Not just BAX right? ^_^ Yes, it's easy to book but how many of you or your employer contracted with freight forwarder or shipping company? The charge may seems low to you because you or your company holding the contracted rate but is not necessary to others.
Not all cargos need to be examed by local customs inspections (they don't have the time to open all packages ^_^). It's all base on the documents/declarations that you submitted when shipped plus some other factors.

Look around, you will fine some good carriers with good shipping rate to ship your package(s).

PS. HKG--lowest net shipping rate when compare to other destinations @_@
A quick update to report
I shipped out the speakers and took some advice from the posters above

I'm happy to report the speakers arrived at intended destination without a hitch and everthing is intact

I appreciate all your comments on the subject