earth ground disconnected or not ?

If i disconnect the earth(ground) will the sound be better ?

There is no cut and dried answer to this, besides it can be dangerous. So you must know what you are doing. All cases can be different for best sound. Generally it is wise to have your preamp grounded and let ground run to the rest of your gear through the IC-ground. But even this is no safe bet, because sometimes your amps inputs may be isolated from ground. Somtimes you do get better sound letting your entire system float. But sometimes you do not, besides, as Riley has rightly suggested, this can be hazardous. You'll have to experiment and listen and best measure your chassis to ground for stray currents. The less current the better sound generally.
If you use higher or lower values on fuses compared to what is recommended in a cdplayer,preamp or poweramp does that affect the sound quality ?
You know I never thought about that, besides I wouldn't do that. If too low, the fuses blow, if too high, the units blows. What I have done, is to substitute the stock fuses for those expensive German "gold"-fuses and, sadly, perhaps being tin-eared, I heard no difference whatever.
YOu may want to consider one more option;

Dedicated earth ground for your audio system only. The medical grade outlets offer this feature, where the outlet can be ilsolated from the system or house ground. Depending on where you live in the country, and the age of your house, your house ground may not be that effective to begin with.

This is among the quietest of all the options. One has to be careful, if making the dedicated ground a wet ground, since you'll need to have a wire gauge large enough for your panel.
Dedicated earth ground for your audio system only. The medical grade outlets offer this feature, where the outlet can be ilsolated from the system or house ground. Depending on where you live in the country, and the age of your house, your house ground may not be that effective to begin with.
05-15-08: Johnss
Johnss, if you are referring to an isolated equipment safety ground that is not connected to the main electrical grounding system, that is not acceptable anywhere in the US.....
It does work great for hunting fish worms though.....

The earth shall not be used as a means to carry fault current back to the source. The earth is a poor conductor.
