Mono blocks on different phases of the sub panel?

I read an old Stereophile article that suggested running two different dedicated lines - one for each mono block amp. And each dedicated line pulled from a different "phase" of the sub panel. I guess the thought is to balance? the phase on the amps? Low cost conditioning? Any thoughts? I have ASL Hurricane tube amps.

All responses appreciated.
I agree with dedicated lines, but disagree with splitting the amps on two phases from the panel.

I prefer the "high" side of my 240 Volt drop for all four amps. The high side meaning one phase measures 122 volts and the other 119 volts. The 122 runs everything in the stereo and the 119 supplies the refrigerator and all other noisy items in the home that might operate when listening to music.

If your panel is being rewired by an electrician it's fairly easy to do.
Thanks Albert. I'm building a new sound room with a dedicated sub panel. My plan was to run the video stuff on one phase and the audio on the other. I think I'll stick with that. I just read that article and it got me thinking. What panel/breakers/bus bars did you use with your system?
When I did my room, I had the electrician put all the audio lines on the same phase leg opposite the leg running the appliances and HVAC system. While he was rewiring the panel, he moved anything that might induce noise (Lighting on dimmers in the audio room and other rooms, fans, washer, dryer, hot tub)to the phase leg opposite audio if it was not already set up that way.
Looks like you, Slipnot1 and I all have the same idea.

As for panel, I went with the Square D that uses bolt in breakers (as opposed to snap in) and it has copper bussbars.

Let us know how you do with it.
Ditto Albert! I have the Square D w/bolt ins as well. I neglected to say that all four lines are pulled to Porter Ports on bright orange 10 gauge.