Rethinking Listening Fatigue

Listening fatigue to me has always been a sure sign that something was wrong with an audio system.

It is a useful test of a system, because it is not always immediately apparent - a fact which has undoubtedly helped Dr Bose get rich.

I have always thought fatigue was mainly a product of digital, overly bright tweeters, and/or a sonic signature that puts too much emphasis on "resolution" and not enough emphasis on high quality midrange.

But lately I am wondering if I have been oversimplifying things.

As you can see in my system link, I am using a pair of ATC SCM 7's with a pair of Behringer amps used as monoblocks for my desktop and PC audio.

Recently, I have added a Hagerman Technology USB interface box, which goes into an Audio Research DAC 5.

To my ears, the ATCs have a slightly laid back, non fatiguing sound typical of many English products which suits my tastes just fine, particularly for very nearfield listening.

What is curious, however, is that I am starting to realize that this system sounds really different depending on the volume and/or the time of day.

At times, this little system sounds wonderful. I feel I can listen to it for hours, with the speakers < 3 feet away from my ears and in many ways, I enjoy it more than the big system.

Detail for both music and movies is very clear and I have especially noted that I am better able to discern dialogue with these speakers, without ever feeling like the sound is too "etched' or embossed.

At other times, however, I feel quickly fatigued and suddently overwhelmed with an unpleasant this is way too loud, the music is congested and I must be bothering my wife sensation.

No one I know has ever described ATC monitors as fatiguing, so I am starting to wonder:

1) Despite relatively high power of the Behringer amps in a monoblock configuration, is it possible that they are overdriven and distorting at not terribly loud levels?If so, would this type of distortion, rather than overly hot tweeters, be a more obvious culprit for fatigue?

2) Or could grunge in my AC also contribute to listeners fatigue? Would some of you recommend a line conditioner rather than an upgrade to the amps for this desktop system?

The fatigue I am trying to describe always manifests itself as 'this is uncomfortably loud' sensation.

Thank you for your thoughts and comments on this and the topic of listeners' fatigue.

any information source as to what labels (classical music) employ the least compression? I would suspect DG, Telarc, and from what I have heard, Channel Classics - but that is just on a subjective basis.
Cwlondon - Sheffield's Kodo Drums are very well recorded on CD - no need for vinyl here.
To the originator of the thread - your comment that the time of the day determined, at least in part, the experienced listening fatigue, is evidence that the source of the fatigue may your own subjective state; necessarily not constant. Major changes to equipment may not yet be in order. Your gear probably does not care what time of day it is. A little controlled experimenting i.e. keep constant the volume, music selection etc, and notice how much of the listening fatigue is linked to your own physical or mental fatigue, and so on, seems to be indicated prior any component changes or additions. Less of an esoteric solution, but realistically fits your initial comment.

All the rhetoric & theoretical causalities aside... I feel a solution (if one is truly being sought) rests with either spot replacement of the components of the now rig, and/or the addition of power filtering… and pass that, perhaps some changes in wires or isolation footers. All of which have IMO made for a far more listenable condition… and you are seeking a solution, correct? Not merely theorizing about whuy fatigue occurs, right?

To prove this out, you can simply take the whole setup and being to swap it’s components with the main system. AS you’ll then see if it does the same thing (s) there. That will give you better insight as to what’s what.

A very quick way to easy listening is adding a pair of Nirvana SL interconnects… or speaker cables… I think they can even make a ground loop not so bad.

Whenever I perceive a problem somewhere I always ask, “What’s the common denominator?” …. Or what has changed?

Gotta start somewhere though, huh?
You mention that your conversion is via a HagTech USB this the Chime DAC or is it just the small, inexpensive S/PDIF/USB converter? If the latter, I would suggest you try a different DAC in its place. I did not find that converter to be very good in my system and to my ears, and would suspect it may have something to do with your fatigue if it's what you are using. Otherwise, if you are using the Chime DAC I have no experience to speak of. That front-end conversion is critical IMO though. I did some extensive listening with the Benchmark DAC so many folks love and found myself wanting to leave the room after half an hour of listening because, in my system it seemed to render a very strident high-end. YMMV, but I'd consider your front end as well.