Basic electrical questions.

Please pardon my basic electrical questions but i want to make sure i set up my system properly. I understand that dedicated lines are preferred for audio systems because the signal is cleaner. Does this eliminate the need for a line conditioner? Also, some people say they have separate dedicated lines for each component. I'm assuming then each component would plug directly into it's own wall outlet receptacle. If this is the case, how would a surge protector be used? Wouldn't it be better to plug the components directly into the surge protector and then the protector into the wall? And finally, i've read that amps should be plugged directly into the wall, but the outlet and circuit should be 20 amp. My amp plug is a 15 amp. Are there wall outlet configurations that accept 15 and 20 amp plugs, or would i have to change out the amp plug to a 20 amp? Well, that's it. Hope i didn't confuse anyone!
optimum setup is one dedicated line for digital or turntable and one for the amp, rest of gear etc. 20 amp lines are best. use of a power/ line conditioner depends on the quality of your juice but generally will help if you get the right one. surge protection is usually built into many line conditioners but it's good to have a surge protector installed on your fuse-breaker box in case of lightning although nothing protects from a direct hit. plugging amps into the wall is a subject of debate over what sounds best but I like the peace of mind not plugging direct into the wall.
You will find a good part of the following thread to be relevant to your questions:

As you will read there, recent (but not some older) 20 amp receptacles have a T-shaped slot for the neutral prong, which allows them to accept both 15 amp and 20 amp plugs.

I agree with LK that I would not feel comfortable plugging directly into the wall. I would want the protection of a surge suppressor, that is dedicated to the audio system.

I'm uncertain about the concept of having multiple dedicated lines for different parts of the system. I would be concerned that voltage offsets could be introduced between the grounds of the different components, which could lead to ground loop noise. Same goes for having parts of the system on a surge suppressor, and other parts of the system on a different suppressor or no suppressor -- the result would be some degree of isolation between the ac grounds of the different components in the system, at least at high frequencies, due to inductive filtering in the suppressors, and inductance in the house wiring, which might cause ground loop issues.

The need for a line conditioner (as opposed to a simple surge suppressor) will, as LK indicated, depend on the quality of your ac supply, and also on the designs of the power supplies in your particular components. There might be less need for one if you have a dedicated line, as you stated (depending on whether the significant noise sources are elsewhere in your house, or if the noise is present on the wires that come into your house). Other people's experiences can initially point you in what are hopefully promising directions, but a conclusive determination can only result from trial and error, imho.

-- Al
It definately makes sense to have dedicated Lines,
no extra hitchhikers on your audio lines.I wouldn't want noisy dimmer switches,fridge,micro, ect.messing with audio power.I have subpanel(dedicated 4-15a breakers.4 double receptacles and 2X240v for my Torus PIUs.I did like the
dedicated 15a or 20a(great)BUT I discovered also that amps
like more amperage ,when it comes to music peaks.If I'm correct,Torus PIUs can give up to 100a or 400a(short term)
in reserve power.When I installed a 20a Torus,everything came out with authority,more bottom, ect.I do at times upgrade the odd piece,but the Torus are keepers.they are pricey,but musically,I cant put a price on the satisfaction.
There are alot of conditioners out that can only give what the wall can give(non limiting current,as far as the wall) and some that ruin the music side ,for me that's fine,but I want more,so do my amps.The Torus gives me lots of extra POWER in reserve.
Well... these responses give me something to think about. I will check ou that Almarg suggested.BTW DrummermItchell- I would assume by your moniker that you play drums. I have been playing off and on (mostly off) for the past 40 years.I should say i make noise rather than play drums.