Speaker noise - hissing

How quiet should my speakers be with a 50 watt tube amp when no music is playing? Is this hissing sound possibly from the tubes?
Welcome to the musical world of tubes. In exchange for SS nasties, there is tube hiss...our imperfect world. The EH and Tungsol tubes are known to be very quiet. Get phono grade tubes if you want really quiet. I find the tubes at RAM/Rodger Modjesky, Tube Depot, and Tubestore have good quality. There are others, but I have purchased from these. jallen
Are you referring to a 50 watt power amp or integrated? You didn't mention whether you have a tubed preamp which would be the first source I would investigate.

Newbie hit it pretty much right off.

I've had noise on SS systems, running them single ended. I've even had some noise on Ss going XLR. the former interface being the more noiseier of the two.

In combo rig, Tube + SS amp, single ended only, there was a bit more noise than all single ended Ss gear would produce.

None of the aforementioned systems did however produce enough hiss or fuzz to be noticeable at less than enormous listening levels in between the tracks.

I'd have to get up and get close to the speakers to notice it... and turn up the volume while I was very close to the speakers. XLR is/was the quietest. All SS came in second. hs + SS was third... and the noisest was all tubes runing SE.

Again, I still can't hear even the loudest (all tubes) from my listening chair. I gotta get within a couple feet of the speakers with the volume up to hear the hiss.

Two things fixed or made it better... the phono line tubes, and power conditioning. A third item helped but in a much lesser degree... tube rings... oddly enough. They helped imaging too.

As was said, it only takes one to make things irritating. give Andy at Vintage Tubes a call.

50 watt power amp and tube pre-amp. I hear the noise when source is off as well as pre-amp being off. Maybe it's just time to replace the output tubes? ... 6SN7GT x 4.
Not to be picky but I assume you mean the small tubes in the power amp? That is a logical source of hiss. And 6SN7's are not power tubes.

From what you have said yes. Now if in addition to these small tubes you meant the big power tubes as well, if you've lost some clarity as well as having hiss, after you replace the small tubes it doesn't return, then yes the power tubes as well. One way to tell is to have a spare set on hand (a good idea in any event) and substitute them in and see if you hear a change. No change - take 'em out and check again next year.