Are contact treatments worth the money?

I have been reading some of the claims regarding the benefits of applying contact paste, liquids, etc. to all my connections. It sounds appealing but would like to know your experience with such products. Prices range from $35 to hundreds.
ADAPT and OVERCOME!! SST and DeoxIT are weapons of opportunity in many applications. Chesty would be proud!!
I have no doubt about the effectiveness of deoxit. It is great for cleaning contacts, especially those of potentiometers. Old pots more often than not need cleaning. Deoxit helps to eliminate oxidation, etc.

I am glad to hear about sst filling in the contact voids of some burnt and pitted lamp bulb contact pins and their sockets -- sounds like money well spent. Which was more expensive, the bulb or the sst? Was the glow tighter and more defined? Did it have more air around it? It is 60 hz, was this mid-bass more palpable?

Adapt and overcome what? Adapt to marketing malarkey? Overcome what, your sensibilities? Try keeping your contacts clean and tight in the first place; and, some extra money in your pocket. I think I will go out and get some eagle-eye amber sunglasses now.
Obviously you aren't a Marine! I'm certain that Leatherneck(whom I was addressing) got my joke. If you're too deaf or blind to hear, see or appreciate the differences that SST MOST CERTAINLY makes, it's a shame. NO DOUBT though- You've NEVER tried the product, and have NO valid opinion. Still- He and I both fought in defence of your 1st Amendment right to voicing your vapid statements(your prerogative).
Bicycle man
Try keeping your contacts clean and tight in the first place; and, some extra money in your pocket.
All excellent advice.
However, let me insist that conductive grease is usefully and successfully applied to moving /sliding surfaces to improve conductivity.
As you doubtless know, "conductive grease" is the industrial, non-trendy name for branded products such as "SST contact enhancer, by Walker". It is also considerably cheaper when called that, rather than the branded equivalent.

However, if you have top-notch connectors you rarely mess with, you probably don't need it. If not, it can help improve the contact, especially the single-ended ones. Regards.
Gregm, can you provide a link or two to sources for industrial conductive grease?
