Double width studs for isolation?

Before I drywall my new dedicated room I was wondering if it would be at all beneficial if I added an extra stud to each/some of my 24" on center studs to increase the amount of surface area the drywall was screwing into and thereby conceivably decreasing the "intensity" of energy transfer through them into the outside walls? My goal is to reduce noise transmission through the walls. I will be using 2 layers of 5/8" drywall with Green Glue between. It's not a lot of extra work and I already have some extra studs. Just a thought. Thanks. Grant
OK, I'm going to do something I've never done here publicly and state my credentials: MIT - B. Architecture + Acoustics, (e-mail me privately if you want to know the year ;-)

Acoustical treatment/construction solutions will depend on which of two categories the problem fits. (1) Transmission from one space to another (one of the spaces can be the outdoors) and (2) reflection/reverberation within a space. Sometimes both are issues, but they still require vastly different approaches/solutions.

Eliminating transmission (the issue Grant is dealing with) is accomplished through MASS+STIFFNESS and/or ISOLATION. I emphasize this, because stuffing a wall cavity full of fuzz (Fiberglas, or other ABSORBTIVE material) is futile, unless of course your termites have been complaining about the sound reverberating in their little ears!)

'Staggered studs' will physically separate the wall surface in one space from the wall surface in an adjoining space and is an excellent solution (for 2x4 or 2x6 studwalls) if the ceiling in ONE of the spaces is less than 9 or 10 feet. If both spaces have higher ceilings, then even with staggered studs, the air inside the studspace will still couple the two surfaces together enough to cause induced vibration in the 'receiving' space (whether not the studspace is stuffed with fuzz ;-)

Having isolated the two surfaces from one another, further attenuation (if necessary, which it often is with 2x4 studs, not so much with 2x6's because they're stiffer) can be achieved by adding mass. The most straightforward way to do it is to add another layer of drywall -- first on the 'transmission' side of the wall, and then, if necessary, on the receiving side.

In the days before drywall it was difficult (OK impossible) to add more mass to a (plastered) wall surface. Plaster has much less mass than drywall, and it doesn't like to be laid on too thick (like I'm doing now!) In those days, a (literally) curtain of sheet lead (yikes!) was often threaded between the staggered studs to eliminate the coupling problem. It's really unnecessary to do that today, but the technique (they don't use LEAD!) is still very effective (along with resiliant, or 'floating' floors) for vertical isolation (rooms above/below other rooms.)

While on the subject of 'resiliant', it IS possible (but not practical or cost effective in residential applications IMO) to 'float' a wall surface in front of another wall surface by hanging a second sheet of drywall (in front of the first) on resiliant (springy) metal clips designed absorb the energy of the sound wave against the wall surface. In a home, it's a real PITA because a 1/2"+ space must be maintained at all the edges of the 'floating' wall surface and filled with caulking or foam rubber, etc.

If you have an existing (partition) wall (between two spaces) and want a quick-and-easy solution to reduce the sound transmission through the wall, my recommendation would be to just add another layer of 5/8" drywall to both sides and see how it goes. TIP: using lots of x-tra drywall screws creates a 'stressed-skin' effect in the added drywall layer, which increases the stiffness of the wall.
Nsgarch...I too went to MIT, but was more interested in women than calculus. Tech Hi Fi in the warehouse also, Graduated elsewhere; Pratt Institute of which, as an architect you are probably aware.

As to acoustic isolation, my expertese is that I actally did a room with the foam insulation sandwiched between sheet rock. I did it for thermal insulation, but was astonished by the acoustic isolation result.

Stagered studs have pros and cons. It minimizes direct transmission through the wall, but, with sheetrock on only one side of the studs the walls are not very stiff.
Nsgarch...I too went to MIT, but was more interested in women than calculus. Tech Hi Fi in the warehouse also, Graduated elsewhere; Pratt Institute of which, as an architect you are probably aware.
Yes, eldartford, Cambridge was an interesting place in the early 60's: Tim Leary, Lou Reed and Andy Warhol (no comment ;-) My 4th floor walk-up was neatly sandwiched between the AR and the KLH factories ;-)
As to acoustic isolation, my expertese is that I actally did a room with the foam insulation sandwiched between sheet rock. I did it for thermal insulation, but was astonished by the acoustic isolation result.
What you did, from a structural/mechanical POV (in addition to the thermal thing) was to construct a (kind of) laminated skin structure (with the styro as a core.) This added considerable stiffness to the wall surface itself, which may account for the increased transmission loss.
Stagered studs have pros and cons. It minimizes direct transmission through the wall, but, with sheetrock on only one side of the studs the walls are not very stiff.
The wall's structural stiffness depends more on a short(er) length/height and larger depth of the studs (6" v. 4") than the stiffness added by the surface material -- unless that skin is stretched/stressed somehow. I think of a stud as a vertical beam -- you don't want it to bend as the sound wave applies pressure against it (via the drywall surface.)
Nsgarch...I have built many 2X4 interior walls, and they are almost floppy until you get the sheetrock on the second side.
Eldartford -- Nsgarch...I have built many 2X4 interior walls, and they are almost floppy until you get the sheetrock on the second side.
Yes that is so, but it's mainly because the drywall adds a bit of a 'flange' to the stud making it sort of an "T"- or "I"-beam shape in cross-section. Better to use more nails/screws than the code requires too -- doing so helps create the stressed-skin effect I mentioned earlier.

In any case, the main feature of staggered stud construction is the 'decoupling' of one side from the other; I think the improvement in transmission loss far outweighs any stiffness lost by the studs not being double-faced.

If I were starting from scratch, assuming a new wall and 8 - 9 foot ceilings both sides, I'd do 2x4 staggered studs (2x6 plates) and see if that seems enough (before painting ;-) It it wasn't, I'd start adding more drywall. That usually does it.

What I'm saying is, in a typical residential setting, I'd start with the staggered studs, and add from there as necessary. Why? Try changing your mind after a regular wall is up and 'rocked! ;-)