8 Ohm speaker with 4 ohm subwoofer?

I run Spendor s3/5r's using the 8 ohm posts on a Jolida tube and have just purchased a Rel q108e which according to the Rel specs runs at 4 ohms. I planned on running the subwoofer directly to the same 8 ohm speaker level inputs on the amp, but now I am worried that may not work because of the ohm difference. Please help so I can decide if I need to cancel the order quick.
I'm not particularly familiar with that REL model, but I believe that what you would be connecting to the Jolida would be the inputs to the amplifier that is built into the REL, and that the input impedance of the REL's amplifier is something like 100K ohms.

Assuming that is correct, the Jolida would see a totally insignificant load presented to it by the REL, and it is only the amplifier built into the REL that would see the 4 ohm impedance of the subwoofer driver.

Assuming my understanding of the subwoofer configuration is correct, you have no problem at all.

-- Al
I have 2 REL Stadium subs and Al's explanation is correct from my experience of them. You have nothing to worry about.