Walker High-Def Links v. Cell Phone EMI-RFI

Has anyone experienced how well the Walker High Definition Links mitigate the effects of EMI-RFI emitted by cell phones?

I was speaking on the cell today near our system and the speakers suddenly emitted a loud pulsating/vibrating sound as I walked in and out of the room.
Just was wondering because if a cell phone can cause such a loud disturbance, what might a microwave, laundry machine, or television set be doing to distort the signal.
Do you think the cell phone transmission that causes the electronic sound through speakers is in any way similar to any RFI that would be caused by a microwave, laundry machine or TV?
I do have the Walker Ultra Links on my speakers. The speaker cable length is 25 feet from my SET amp tp my horn speakers. I just made a call on my cell phone next to the speakers- no sonic difference while calling. The Walker's did make a significant improvement in the system's sound.
David Pritchard
David, your experiment concludes nothing.


1) You did not try the experiment with and without the Walker links

2) You (we) do not know that making a call causes the pulsating sound
described by Somut. I have experienced the sound he is describing, and never
was it the result of making a call on a cell phone. However, the sound was
always caused by a powered-up cell phone sitting idle within about ten feet
from the electronics.

3) From my experience with this phenomenon, proximity to the speakers is
not the cause. Proximity to the electronics is the cause.

I will go out on a limb and venture a guess that in Somut's system, under the
conditions in which the cell phone caused the vibrating sound in his
speakers, the Walker Links would have absolutely no effect in eliminating the