Which attenuators do I want to use?

I was using a set of Rothwell RCA 10dB in line attenuators between my Jolida CDP and my Classe DR-5 preamp. One broke. My interconnects are Virtual Dynamics Davids which are a bit heavy. I'm now looking at other options. Thought about a set of Rothwell XLR 10dB attenuators to put between the preamp and amp for attenuation of all signals to the Pass Labs X-250 amplifier. Then there's another option I found poking around online, which is a set of 10dB XLR balanced line level fixed audio attenuators from Rackmount-Devices.com. These go for half the cost of the Rothwells, but I don't know what quality they are.
I found that when I was using the CDP with the Rothwells, I could only turn the volume up to about 8:30-9:00 position. Any more and it got a bit loud. Would a set of 20dB attenuators get my volume control up into the 10:00-12:00 position where I can get the best performance out of my preamp? A set of 20dBs from Rackmount costs the same as a set of 10dBs, I believe.
I don't want to spend hundreds. Just had my hearing tested, and, again, there is a small loss. I'm 52 years old. I figure I'll be able to remove the attenuators as my hearing gets worse. I think I'll have to get my wife some earplugs when this time rolls around.
Thanks in advance for any and all input.
Received the Channel Islands VPC 3 passive controller today. Put it between the CDP and preamp with excellent results. Attenuates the signal so I can use my preamp volume control with better precision. The unit disappears. I don't even know it's there.
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I own a Classe DR-6R and I put a voltage divider in mine with a new Gold Point Attenuator and I love it. If you can solder I will send you some information on putting in a voltage divider or you can look it up online. It is just 2 top resistors of a certain value to get the dB change you want. I wanted a little more control over the volume. I am not a fan of outside attenuation but that might be the easiest, but they can change the sound in a big way.