Filling hollow tubes of my component racks

I'm thinking of using pea gravel and either clay cat litter or sand to fill the legs of my Rack Of Silence 4 component rack and ROS 1 amp stands. Any thoughts if this is a "good solution" to not using shot. Can I put in too much and "kill" the sound?
Thanks for any help offered!!!
Custom made to your specs Carbon fiber rods. Use a a fuid silicone teflon lubricant and a mallet to bang it in.
For extra ballast use lead pucks encased in something no one can bight into. To save weight use memory foam torn into pieces, then tamp it down some and place a myrtle wood weight on that. Or potted heavy steel rebar like some waxes or epoxies. Even sound proofing green glue should work but will shrink and need a couple of applications. Just pour it over the metal bars . I guess that potting stuff they put trannies in is good .
BTW anyone know where to get the audiophile epoxy in question? Its exactly the same as the non audiophile self hardening goo,but costs 900% more per unit. You know the R and D burn has to be paid some how. Get the metal shop to make it your own braid and geometry. Use as precious a metal as you can like brass and bronze or damascus steel. This will help justify the obscene cost.
Silicone might feel better if a bit stiff.
8 years ago I would have used some old gold coins and just filled the tubes but as they are the only thing worth anything today do you think some old GM stock certificates dipped in West Systems Epoxy and stuffed into the tubes would give adequate dampening.
I used cat litter in my Skylan stands but didn't really seem to do much so I took it out. I couldn't get the Star Sound for a long time because their supplier went out of business suddenly and they had to find another. I have not done a scientific test because the Micro Bearings are so small I only want to put them in welded stands. Right now I have them in 15" Target stands I use with Spendor SP1/2s. I have the Atabits in a pair of 20" Atacama stands I use with Mini Utopia Focal speakers. I like the Micro Bearings because they seem to be the most effective is damping the resonance of the steel stands, VERY heavy for their volume. I was using lead shot but I thought it caused a coloration in the sound I don't hear with the MBs. Just my impressions. The MB seem even heavier than the same volume of lead shot, I haven't measured this and both are heavy. Lead is, of course, considerably heavier than steel but the MBs are much smaller than the lead shot so you can gat many more into the same volume.
Stanwal my thinking was clay has no sound of it's own similar to lead(which I don't want to use) and that most metals have some inherent sound they bring to the mix. I thought clay with some stone mixed in for higher weight might be relatively coloration neutral.
The basic question in my mind is how they act to damp vibrations. With very dense material of the smallest possible diameter the waves will be propagated to the smallest distance before being dissipated. I think that is how the "sound" of the material comes about. I did not think that that cat litter I was using was especially effective at absorbing vibrations so I quit using it. I would question whether the stone would be very effective either but the expense should not be too great if you want to try it. I have no problem using lead, did so for years and still have some but like the others better. I would check out the steel blasting shot if you are in an area where it would be readily available. Get the smallest diameter if you get some.