Isoclean vs. Oyaide

Has anyone compared Isoclean duplex/wallplate to the Oyaide R-1/carbon fiber wallplate? Haven't seen anything here about the Isoclean duplex/wallplates. Thanks!
"The materials in Leviton receptacles is not on the same level as Oyaide or Furutech."

I agree they are different- in my system the Teslaplex is more open, dynamic and three dimensional. By compairison both the Oyaida and the Furuetech sound colored and closed in to differing degrees depending on the models material. They (Oyaide and Furutech but to a lesser degree) sound like old school WBT connectors with heavy machined metal connectors with thick gold and silver plating for the "bling" factor. Now WBT is building connectors with "mass reduction" as many people figured out that "bling" and music don't necessarily go hand in hand. The new WBT connectors with mass reduction sound much better btw.

I am in Dlcockrum's camp as his review is spot on to my ears (and in my 100% SR Tesla system). Your music may vary so do try and compare as this is the only way to be sure in your system with your powercords.
Shellie, my comment about Leviton not being on the same level was meant to be negative. I have used both Leviton and Furutech outlets. Let us just say I ditched Levitons many years ago. Its fine if you like Teslaplex. Others may get different results in their systems.
I did try the Precision Reference, as I mentioned in my post. I preferred it to the Apex.
My Tesla outlet will arrive Wednesday. Frankly, it will be terrific if it does superior to the Oyaide. I'm not sure what the "colored" aspect of the Oyaide is. I'm truly interested. What aspect of it do you find "colored"?
I'm curious how long the Teslaplex units take to break in. Perhaps it's the Audience Teflon line conditioner that is plugged into the Teslaplex outlet. Perhaps they don't "like" each other. OR, it may be that the Teslaplex needs time to break in. Whatever the case, I'm not noticing an increase in the sense of reality that the Audience affords: I'm hearing a decrease back to a more "reproduced" sound. Please note I'm not saying it won't improve, only that the FIM (gold) 880s WITH the Audience unit are undisputably clearer than the Teslaplex, but then, they FIMs are 3 years old: the Teslaplex 24 hours old. The noise floor is quite a bit higher, which leads me to believe, based on reports here, that it MUST be burn-in time. I can't imagine otherwise...
This is, therefore, not a slam of the Teslaplex: quite the contrary. It may cause new buyers to wait a while before they assess it.
So, I repeat, what's the break-in time on these things??
It may be break-in or it could be a compatibility issue between your powercords, line conditioner and the Teslaplex. When I installed a Teslaplex with my PowerCell 10SE the improvement was immediate. I also prefered the PowerCell to several line conditioners I auditioned through The Cable Company but at that point I already had all Tesla cables including PC's. There are no hard and fast rules to audio or system wide compatibility so the need to audition before you buy is imperative.