
The latest issue of Absolute Sound has a list of 15 or so tweaks that they say are worth doing. I would like to get some feedback from others about 3 of them.

1. Grounding Caps for unused preamp inputs.
2. Equipment anti-vibration devices such as Vibropods.
3. Aligning interconnects and power cords so that they cross at right angles to each other. (This sounds like a very difficult thing to arrange).
One point that hasn't yet been made about Vibrapods. Do not even think of using them without something underneath them. They will destroy the finish on wood and even metal (they etched the metal top of an amp of mine). The protective device has to be stronger than paper towel "doilies" too (I learned the hard way). I really dislike these things and much prefer the Mapleshade approach to resonance damping.
Isolation tweaks are really good and so is my teflon tape on ac plug's prongs tweak too. We are talking about my teflon tape tweak now over on the tweak forum at
Jax2 - Your "observation" that investing in clever little clocks and teleportation tweaks is quite unwarranted as there is a 30 day money back guarantee on both products. Furthermore, could 1000 audiogon customers be wrong?
To echo Dopogue -- be careful with the vibrapods. They can be very destructive to gear and finishes. Had some that pretty well trashed the finish on a Theil center channel. I threw all of mine away. Would have burned them out of spite, except I was afraid of what THAT might do.
Jax2 clearly said "not likely" and "soon". Neither of these are absolutes that definitively condemn either product.

Jax2 is entitled to his opinion the same as the 1000 audiogon customers that are cited.