
The latest issue of Absolute Sound has a list of 15 or so tweaks that they say are worth doing. I would like to get some feedback from others about 3 of them.

1. Grounding Caps for unused preamp inputs.
2. Equipment anti-vibration devices such as Vibropods.
3. Aligning interconnects and power cords so that they cross at right angles to each other. (This sounds like a very difficult thing to arrange).
Semi: What about XLR shorting plug? you solder both "+" and "-" to GND?
That's a good question, and I'm not sure whether it would be more optimal to just short pins 2 and 3 to each other, or to also short them to ground (pin 1). A theoretical argument could probably be conjured up to support either approach. In practice, my guess would be that generally there would not be a perceivable difference between the two alternatives.

-- Al
Jax2 , were cool. I know that the Machina Dynamica items seem like wild unbelievable stuff.
Albertporter, perhaps Jax2 could have his dog sit in the center of the room for better imaging.
Enough said about this on my part.

Here are a couple more tweaks that I have found to be worth while.

1.Apply Quicksilver Gold at the ends of the copper wire at the dedicated circuit breaker , also apply it on the ends of the wire at the dedicated outlet.. Funny, I did not like the Quicksilver Gold on my speaker spades, power cords, or interconnects. It might be that the wire used in home wiring is a much lower grade to start with and the Quicksilver Gold improves on that connection.

2.I have also been using the new Alan Maher CBF items, and again, they do something positive to the openness of the soundstage.
Audio Desk Systeme, a machine that shaves the edges of a cd at a certain angle. The improvement is quite obvious - better dynamics and clarity. I don't have to turn up the volume as much at night to hear the music. Well worth it...
I had never heard of the Alan Maher CBF. I went to his website and found that this guy has all kinds of electronic stuff designed to improve sound. I didn't understand anything I read on this site so I am asking now if you guys really like his products, and if so, which ones are worth trying?

Albertporter, perhaps Jax2 could have his dog sit in the center of the room for better imaging.
Enough said about this on my part.

I wish you had not posted that at Audiogon, Marco was planning on introducing the dog-here, dog-gone tweak at CES. Since his large dogs are not allowed in the hotel he's having a couple of different models made from cloth and stuffed with various material. So far he says it's working out except for some issues with being too large.

To reduce size and for ease in shipping Marco came up with Velcro attachments for the tail, arms and legs but his (real) dogs keep carrying off the vital parts and chewing them up.

He originally considered What-Dog as a clever name but thought it too close to a famous manufacturers product and dropped the idea.

Guess we'll see how it all works out in January.