Quality required to hear vinyl

I'm interested in putting together a system that is good enough tell the difference between a CD and vinyl. I want to hear why people still buy and listen to vinyl.

Currently I'm looking at:

musical fidelity a5
Epos M16i Floorstanding Speakers
and a Rega P3 or P5

Is this going to send me into vinyl bliss, or should I quit till I have much more cash...

Virtually any vinyl system will demonstrate to some extent the difference between analog and digital. The sound difference is not subtle.
As for Bliss well-
I seriously doubt it. That takes a couple of years of frustration first. It will tell you if vinyl is your "Cup O Tea"however. If it is then you will start looking at phono stages and cartridges, Vta, loading etc. After that you wonder about tone arms, bearings,plinths,tweak after tweak,
At some point you will find bliss. Then you get audiophilus Nervosis possibly the inflammatory variant and mess it all up again.
Should be good enough to give you a sense of what what vinyl can do. Also depends on what CD player and phono cartridge you are using, but the Regas should sound "different" in any case.
As you can tell from Mechans post,there is a lot more to getting good analog sound than just adding a turntable and throwing on an album.While this may give you a hint,it will no way lead to analog bliss.Diligent maintenance is a must with analog systems if you want to keep them sounding their best.I love analog sound but am too lazy to perform the upkeep so I stick with digital.Just a thought.
one media is not always better than another, so this should be a good trick..
6 months ago, out of curiosity I reinvested in vinyl after a 10 year lapse. The differences are not subtle. Last month there was a $75,000.00 turntable sold on Agon but for under 1000 you can put together a respectable analog rig. However it takes some work/maintenance and there is an annoying new set of variables, MM vs MC, SS vs tube phono stage, speed controllers, isolation and other tweeks and more interconnects. Rewards are finding discarded mint records for 25 cents at thrift stores and enjoyable music, but I REALLY miss skipping to the next song with the remote