ground noise isolation

Several months ago, I started to hear intermittent buzzing in my system, about twenty minutes of every hour. It comes and goes. I still haven't figure out the cause but I have determined it's coming through the ground. I purchased a regenerator product with battery backup. When I pull the pc from the wall the buzzing goes away and when I plug it back in it comes back. The regenerator manufacturer says it has to be coming through the ground.

What's the best way to isolate the ground from my system? Would an isolation transformer work? If yes would 2.5kv be enough if my draw is 1000 watts?

I have a dedicated line and only play vinyl.
The whole purpose of a regenerator is to give you clean power.
I don't understand why one would add noise.Maybe the noise is the unit turning off and on to keep the battery charged?I hope somebody could give a reason why this is supposed to be
Go to your local hardware store and get some adaptors that go between the outlet and your cord end that deletes the ground prong.
I had the problem before I purchased this regenerator. I previously owned another regenerator without the battery. I had too hoped that the regenerator meant clean power.

It has been suggested to me that house wiring is not properly grounded but nothing has changed in fifteen years. My local utlity has finally turned on the smart meter and I suspect that may be at the root of my problems. It cycles on and off for about fiftenn minutes each hour.