Granny says heah.

Last night while listening to my fleazilla in the small room I cupped my hands around my ears. You know just like Granny on the Beverly Hillbillys. The room is 11x 14 and setup to Cardas dimentions and mildly treated.
What I heard amazed me: more dymamics: more foward: more intimacy: a change in spectrum and more. I have some WAF absorbers behind the speakers and at wall first reflection points. It was almost like a mild front horn speaker. What should I do to go in that direction because I can't let her see me like this. Especally when I'm at 95 db. Halp!
I remember that years ago some vendor offered 'ears' that you put on your ears to create the 'granny' effect. What it told us, proven by many research projects that are done in the hearing aid field, is that the shape and contours of each person's ears will make a difference in what they hear. Ideally, a set of Obama ears will provide a better hearing experience, not that I believe he ever 'listens'.
Is it me, or is there no mention anywhere in the link provided by Mofi or on the Yanko Designs website if these Batphone Ear Extensions are actually for sale? I want to buy a pair and crack up my colleague. I do have a problem with my one co-worker who speaks so darn softly I am always asking her to repeat herself. I want to pop into her office one day with these on.

PS - whether I am deaf and in denial or not, I like my system as is and do not like high-backed listening chairs.
I checked out the link. I might have to get a pair of those ear extensions, especially if they come in marvelously hip colors.
I don't think I'd wear them in public though, there would be too much explaining to do.
After reading the above about a high backed chair,one made of leather might work wonders.A friend has high backed leather recliners in their theater room,and I get that affect you might be looking for.They are comfortable too!