Did anyone experience Audio Prism's Ground Control

Fellow Audiogoner's

I wonder if anyone has any input on Ground Control spade versions? I am curious about the impact of these pigtails on your system's overall sound?

I also have their quiteline filter (4pack) installed in my HT room and they have helped lower the overall noise floor.

My gear -
Krell Showcase Pre-Amp / Processor
B&W 803s and 804s (rear)
Marantz UD8004
Audience aR12
Audience Au24e speaker/interconnects.
PAD Power Cables
Just got my third set of the Ground control units. I now have 2 sets on my biwire speakers and a set at my Amp end.

I cant believe how much improvement these little items have made in my musical enjoyment.

The bass has become much stronger and defined. So much so that I had to turn down the setting on my JL Audio sub. Cymbals crash and simmer much more like real cymbals. Vocals sound much more relaxed and real.
And the soundstage is very deep and wide.
I cant say enough good things about these little Ground Controls.

The ONLY negative is they could be cheaper for what they appear to be made of. But sound quality wise the cost is cheap compared to the sound quality improvement.
Way better than HIFI fuses. Way better than most interconnect and power cable upgrades.

But I should note that I do have some rather expensive cables in my system.

All in all it could be the sum of all my audio parts.
I am quite sure you are correct Ozzie. The GC's are doing no more than retaining the coherence of the information, after it has passed through the various "loads" in your system, just prior to being pulled back through those "loads", to reproduce the back half of the wave forms.

What you are experiencing is just what your system really sounds like, and I for one have to say I am heartily in favor of just how good the designers and engineers have made modern audio. What you have commented on is exactly what I and many others have experienced, thank you for voicing your thoughts.

Has anyone compared the new version of the ground control
with the XHADOW connectors? If so what are the sonic
differences. Is it possible that the new version rolls
of the top maybe too much in certain systems?

I am also curious about the rca ground control on Naim
gear. Naim gear is said to be tristar grounded and I
am powering my Naim gear with the Audience pdc with had
this same grounding scheme. Would it be safe to even
try the rca gc on the Naim?
Hi Scott,
I can tell you what I have found in my personal system.

The reference GC provides more resolution than the standard. It does this without adding grain or emphasis, just more information retention across the FR bandwidth. Remember, this is all back half of the wave form coherence.

I find the reference GC's the most useful on my speakers, which are very high resolution items from Plant 10 Hi Fi, and are full range single driver systems aided by EnABL. I found using the reference GC's on the amplifier too closed the lateral sound stage down to just the width of the speakers, so the Audio Prism Debut gets the standard GC set. This provides a wall to wall floor to ceiling performance, from two 4 inch drivers!

The preamp is a borrowed solid state Nikko Beta l, with the typical mid 80's transparency and refinement and hashy high frequencies. A reference and a standard RCA are paired here, since the ground scheme is common to both channels and inputs and outputs. These RCA's are on the spare output jacks. The hashiness is gone and what is left is an extremely elegant, liquid, presentation, that I had no idea could be gotten out of a solid state preamp. The phonostage is still crap however.

My Sony SACD player also has this GC combination and both the Red Book and SACD are strongly benefited, with the usual SACD slight darkness and strain having been eliminated. All of the Red Book tendency to harshness on guttural voices and most high frequency information has been transformed, back into the music values it originally came from. Even the underlying hardness to the sound has been mitigated, though not entirely.

I cannot imagine any scheme where the GC's would interfere with your Naim's grounding scheme. I have heard musings about Naim products requiring Naim cable loads to remain stable. Not sure this is true at all, but the GC has so little capacitance and so little inductance and is on the return side of the signal path in any event, that I have difficulty in imagining any damaging circumstances arising.

My system is distinctly high performance, from what are now upper mid fi components. I am quite happy with the entire package and while I was just as happy before GC came along, I couldn't stand going without. I have tried. Do note that I am the inventor of these things, so I undoubtedly have a personal slant, but I am trying to provide you with what I have found. Ozzie has a number of GC's in has system and may have a few things to say too.
