Will there be any 'Arrow' mark in a Fuse holder?

Hi Everybody, I am new to this Forum. Please clarify that,

Will there be any 'Arrow' mark in a fuse holder to show

the direction to fix a fuse? Will all type of fuses have

'Arrow' mark? I need the advices to upgrade the fuses.

In one of a forum, I read the following 'Message'as follows:-

"The fuse has to be parallel to the overall direction of the sine waves coming from the wall socket and into you audio gear. If they enter at an unusually steep angle, the top (or bottom) peaks and throughs will get clipped off or attenuated and you will get jagged or almost square waves in you signal. The resulting SQ will be harsh and grating to the ears. Prolonged usage may damage the speaker coils as well."

So, friends,please give me a clear picture to replace a

'fuse' in my Preamp and DAC. Thank you.


I realize there are a lot of skeptics out there but I just tried a couple of furutech fuses in my amps and changing direction on the fuses is like listening to two totally different systems. One direction has a clearer more focused sound but seems to lack musicality being less involving and has a flatter soundstage. The other direction is less focused but has more depth and body to images and sounds more organic and musical to me. Has anyone else found similar results in their systems with the furutech fuses? Depending on ones system and preferences I could see one preferring either direction to the other.
Dmailer, I found this always to be the case, regardless of fuses or components. The proof is in what you hear, of course, but with the IsoClean fuses it is always with the prescribed and shown fuse direction.

It is just amazing to me that some will not even try it.
Sounds like the same results I get when I spin my chair around 180 degrees.
Just do it over and over for 30 times and you will fall out of your chair at the improvement.