Practical Power Approaches

I am something of a power skeptic. I've heard some differences in sound depending on whether a particular component is plugged into a power conditioner vs. directly in the wall, and between basic home-made power cords.

But I'm reluctant to try expensive power accessories because it seems like the prices are insane.

I'm not interested in theory about why these things do or don't work unless it's actionable and not brand-specific.

I'm wondering if any cheapskates has cost-effectively optimized the power delivery end of things. I already have a fairly basic "power conditioner = surge + noise suppression" and a vanilla surge protector for my monoblocks that sound better that way than through the conditioner. I've also got my system on a dedicated 20A circuit.

What else is worth doing for minimal expense while saving up for acoustic treatments?
Pangea power cords from Audio Advisor. I am a 100% fangirl of Pangea. Pangea power cords are cheaper than ANY other cords around, and actually are pretty good. They are the BESt cord 'for the money' right now.
I have purchsed about $2,000. woth of $50 to $100 Pangea cords. So I guess I mean it.
The 9 for amps, the 14SE for everything else.
You must have an elaborate system - I could do my whole rig for $249!

Have these had a consistent effect on all your gear?