best racks,amp stands etc.

Hi Goners,

I am lost in the jungle of racks,amp stands,top shelves etc...

Looking for strength,flexibility,dampening,[NOT DEADING!] vibration isolation and WAF...:-)
I have 2 80+lb tt's ,3 stage pre/phono, 4 mono's, 4 box digital,tuner,headamp and active crossover.
Of course i would like this to be priced somewhat SANE! Have had Finite Elemente Pagoda Ref's and do not want to spend that much this time around.

Thanks to all and any pics or links are more then welcome.
I had the same problem Billy
custom made me a rack to my specs for $1100 plus shipping
WF is high
I got a significant amount of WAF from Studiotech cabinets,stands & racks. They are sturdy, have good ventilation, and are customizeable. I have the U-22D cabinet & have been very happy w/ it. Good luck w/ the search.
SYMPOSIUM ISIS RACK or use Ultra shelf with feet for amp stand THE BEST by far.