Best caps for updating my VTL 225 mono's ?

My VTL's have the original VTL input caps; they sound nice, but they are almost 20yrs old. A friend suggested replacing the input caps as the best way to improve their sound. VTL offers the MIT cap upgrade; my friend suggests Sonicaps Platinum. The job will require 16 X 0.47 mF 400V caps, and the Sonicaps Platinum will be too expensive. I appreciate any suggestions...Dynamicaps, MIT RSX, Sonicaps GEN I/II, Mundorf? I favor a smooth, rich, "organic", sound over a harsh, clinical sound. Also, how about suggestions for sourcing the replacement caps? Thanks so much!
I am assuming that the input caps are in parallel, and was done to decrease the input impedance or tailor the sound. Some would say that could "blur" the sound, others would claim that it would make it "faster". While I have not experienced these issues by paralleling caps, why not install one high quality cap that is the same uf value as the combine total of these input caps. The value needed is determined mostly by the input impedance and needed low freq roll off. Thus the needed value is the combined total of the paralleled original set. I have tube mono's that had input caps. I removed them after determining that the preamp had output caps, thus no need to have additional caps in the signal path!(only have two as of now) I believe the fewer the better not only for overall sound but a much easier time "tuning" the system with only two caps.

From our FWIW department.
Caps? You want caps? How about some major listening tests?
Go with the VTL advice, or keep the old capacitors for replacing them again.
Rrog post is wise - putting the wrong (otherwise excellent) capacitor can ruin the sound of your amplifier.
The evaluations at HumbleHomeMadeHiFi are from speaker evaluations, not line level electronics. Check the cap thread in the lab section of Audiocircle instead.
Right you are, face.
I should have noted that and made the point that differences DO exist and they are not trivial.
I'm looking at the Clarity SA for my crossovers....with a .01 bypass on the HF side.