How to level match when comparing components?

Simple question-

When you are trying to compare components, say two CD players, it is often difficult to evaluate them effectively unless you can level match the volume levels pretty closely while A-B'ing them back and forth.

What is the simplest way to do this with a reasonable level of accuracy?
Ag insider logo xs@2xmekong56
Go to Radio Shack & get a DB meter.
I have an older one, with analog VU meters.
You might have to get a digital one now....
Comparing A-B is not very useful. I would listen to several items with A for at least 20 minutes to an hour, then the same items with B... and afterwards consider my feelings about the sound. then perhaps doing them again, in reverse order. A=B in fast flipping back and forth is (IMO) totally useless for a serious evaluation, but if all you want to spend is ten/twenty minutes on a multi-thousand dollar eval... go for it.