Upgrade Quandry - Who's on first?

Here is the current system:

Snell Type C V Speakers
NAD 2700 thx times 2 Amplifiers
Rotel RCC 1055 CD Player
Basis 1400 Turntable
Simaudio Moon LP 3 phono pre
Sonic Frontiers SFL-2 tube Tube preamp
Straightwire virtuoso Speaker cable
Sumiko Bluepoint Special No 2 Cartridge
Signal Cable Magic Power Power Cord Tweak
APC Power Conditioner H 10 Tweak

What is next for a $1200 upgrade? I was thinking a new cdp or perhaps more powerful amps. As to the cdp the Sony XA 5400 es has been highly touted in some circles.
CLueless on the amp situation but I know the solid state is good for me and that with my current bi amped setup I am only geting 150 watts per channel and the Snells can take a lot more than that.
I listen to cds 70% ,classic rock, bluegrass some classical and jazz to.
What are you using for a tone arm on the Basis 1400?
If it is the semi-standard Rega RB 300, then you could sell that, and purchase a Basis Vector tone arm, which would be a decent upgrade. (If you can find a Vector M3, (the M4 is the current model), for $1,500, then after you sell your RB 300, you'll be pretty close to your $1,200 figure). This will be a sonic improvement that you can truly hear.

Another upgrade would be to install dedicated circuits, if you have not done so already. This is another improvement that you can readily hear.

My two cents worth.
nice stereo...a jelco arm would be an upgrade.. even a better one would allow you to keep some of the 1200.