More Grounding Questions

I appreciate the feedback on my grounding rod questions. Two more questions are as follows:

1. Will getting rid of ground loops further improve the system even though I don't have hum? My system does not hum at all. However, I have two ground loops in the system as all equipment is grounded to AC ground.

2. Which one is the right way to float the amp? There are three contact points: signal/circuit ground, AC ground, and chassis.
2.a Wire signal/circuit ground to the chassis and keep the AC ground floating.
2.b Wire AC ground to the chassis and keep the signal/circuit ground floating.

Would opening the grounds let RF noise in the system,that may be getting grounded now?Just a thought that occurred when reading.
I definitely would not connect the AC ground to the Chassis. The designer would have done so if he wanted, and may have in fact. I would only plug the component into AC as directed.
Likewise, I would not connect the signal ground to chassis, again, the designer would have done so if he wanted.
You may be confusing ground loops with Ground Loop Potentials, which cause hum because the interacting components do not share the same power ground.
If you have no hum, relax and enjoy the music. Please check your previous post, I added a section on controlling surges and line noise.
Thanks Heyraz. Let me provide more info. My main power amp has both AC ground and signal/circuit ground wired to the chassis. One of my sources, SlimDevices Transporter, has both AC ground and signal ground wired to the chassis also. So does my preamp. They don't hum at all.

My secondary power amp had the same setup too but it did hum. The hum stopped after I disconnected the signal ground from the chassis.

My system does not have popping sound nor audible noises from the speakers. I am also an electrical engineer with lots of formal education in EE. But I'd like to learn from others who have practical hands-on experiences with their audio equipment. There are a lot of things in audio gears that school books didn't teach. Or I have forgotten most of them.....
Thanks Heyraz. Let me provide more info. My main power amp has both AC ground and signal/circuit ground wired to the chassis.

I don't think I've ever seen that in audio gear.If someone used a cheater plug that can reverse the neutral,and the hot phase line,that would give 120 volts to the chassis.Zap the user,plus fireworks possible.I can see them tying the green ground to the chassis.I don't think I would experiment either.