system has weak bass. any suggestions as to why?

System consists of oppo bdp-83se nuforce dvd player.synergistic research tricon analog interconnects connected directly into an adcom gfa555 power amp. speaker cables are monster 1.5s.speakers are mirage m7sis.amp. very recently repaired (had since new) input jacks replaced. some improvement, but bass is still pretty much still missing in action.replaced woofer in one speaker. made no difference.speakers are setting flat on carpeted concrete floor.both power amp. and oppo player are plugged into a power wedge 116. I suspect weak caps in power amp. but I am not sure. speakers and power amp. both set boxed up for 10+ years.amp. was then "brought up slowly" with a variac when it was initially powered up after its long sleep. I am cosidering a 2nd gfa555 to bi-amp speakers. this after talking to one high end (expensive) power amp. companies tech. who suggested that one gfa555 may not be enough amp. for the m7sis. any ideas as what to do next would be helpful .thanks
Just out of curiosity, are the speakers wired in correct phase? Just because the wiring looks correct doesn't mean it's right. At times I've needed to use a test disk to be sure.
also, replace the wire with different cables, system tonal balance can get out of wack surprisingly easy imo...
A number of things come to mind! How long are your interconnects and speaker cable? What is the impedance of the speaker and the db per watt meter of the speaker.

Putting the speaker on a solid surface or using spikes, will tighted up the bass, but not give you more.
Have you always lacked bass with this system or is this something new? If the answer is "always," I'd suggest that going direct from the Oppo to the power amp might be the issue. Some CD players (my Raysonic CD128 for example) do not take kindly to the absence of an active preamp in a system and sound generally bleached and undynamic without one, as I learned when taking my Raysonic to try in a friend's system that has a passive linestage. I also have a BDP-83SE and have never experienced weak bass from it via my Aesthetix Calypso linestage. Good luck, Dave