Power Cord for Power Conditioner

I'm trying to figure out if it is absolutely necessary to use a company's power cord with their power conditioners. No brand in particular.Any help would be appreciated.
thanks in advance,
Some companies may voice the Power-Conditioner with a specific cord...? How do you voice a power conditioner to a specific cord. The whole idea to a power cord is to deliver proper current load and that's all. So how do you voice a power cord?Please if you respond back it up with Science.
Ahhh.. the "all wire is the same" crowd is alive and well!
Glad to know you are still fighting for your beliefs.
I use to be a sort of non-'wires-make-a-difference' crowd, but then heard the difference, and had to abandon the 'all wires are the same' theological stance in the face of experiencing that wires matter and sound different.
It is just a hobby anyway, so please, continue the good fight to cleanse the world of the so-called fallacy of 'wires can sound different'
And just to make amends with the "all wires sound the same" crowd:
"I hereby profess that any and all differences I hear in wires is totally within my imagination, and that i further profess that I cannot actually hear any difference in any wires at all but enjoy pretending that i do so that i can be smug about spending foolish amounts of money on stupid plain old wire that I actually had been suckered into buying by sneaky and clever advertising and other insane audiophiles whom also think they can hear imaginary differences.
(8^Q... "
I still will not spend a significant portion of my budget on wires, but under 10% is not a problem in my book.
(Spend the money on the electronics instead of cords is better...)
I use Pangea Powercords,
A lot of Kimber: Hero, 8TC, KCAG... a few Nordost Blue heaven... nothing too fancy (the KCAG was bought used, when it did not cost a lot.. )
The desktops also have IEC recepticle and you can play the music from it. Thinking of 'experimenting' with powercords on desktop PC, I would also recommend swapping one in the monitor to benefit from lower EMI. You can also lower the noise floor if you get the chance to internally replace the stock one by aftermarket in your window AC unit to lower the noise floor.
For your confuser, the powersupply makes enough noise that better power may be irrelevent.

As for a better cord on your conditioner? I'm in the first camp. I use the cord it came with.
Note that I said for the audiophile, cost is no object. I think there is a comedy gig here somewhere.....'You may be an audiophile if.......'

On that basis, I'm probably not an audiophile....I'm a user of gear who at a fairly early stage said enough was enough. I tend to save my obsessive/compulsive side for other things. Maybe my photography?

I think Elizabeth may have found the middle way......which works for her.....