shunyata research vs audience adept

Anyone have experience in comparing the Shunyata hydra 6 vs the Auduence AR6 power conditioners?I have heard both are quite good-any advantage of one over the other?
Plugged into the unit would be amp--preamp----dac---and cd
and 2 subs
Neither. The one you want to demo is the Synergistic Research Tesla Powercell 10SE; my friend had the Shunyata and after my recommendation to try the SR stuff he dumped all his Shunyata. I owned the Audience 12T and while a great unit pales in comparison to the SR.
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If you can afford it and want the best the Tripoint Audio ORION and SPARTAN are the best. The Synergistic Research Tesla Powercell 10SE is child's play in comparison.