I found the sweet spot but it's 5ft off the floor

I finally found the imaging, stage and depth from my speakers but it's 5 feet off the floor. How do I move this to the seated position?
I have Maggie's 1.6's that are connected to Jolida 302a through a CJ preamp.

Hope you can help.
More setup info would be nice.....I too have 1.6s, and think as shipped they are a little beamy.
My first reaction would be to flip 'em around and listen to the OTHER side of the speaker...the side that you can't see the mylar from. That's right, put the connector/fuse side FACING the listener. At the same time, experiment with tweeter in/out. Make sure you have enough room in back of the speaker, too. Most like at least 5 feet for rear wave time reasons.
Also, are your panels straight up or 'tilted' with the spacers? Try 'em straight up, if tilted. Lay the panel face down, flat on a large table to do so. That'll take the stress of the stand screws.

When you get them exactly where you like them, get out the long tape measure. Measure from the side stiles to the wall. Measure inside between 'em. Measure side clearence to the walls. Write it all down.
Maggies are shipped with tilting spacers. IF the speakers in question have the little nylong spacers installed on the bottom screws of the stands, that tips 'em back. Some owners like them tipped back, others like myself, go with straight up/dn.

In general, I've never heard of tilting them forward. You will start getting floor reflection problems, which depending on ceiling height and IF they are indeed tilted back, may actually be the issue.....ceiling bounce.
Relative to set-up, my room is smallish. It's 11'x14' with an 8 foot ceiling.
It will be somewhat of a challenge to give the speakers a 5 foot breather from the wall - but I'll try. I have hardwood floors with an area rug in the middle. The walls are not dampened - just normal walls with a few paintings hanging.
The speakers are currently straight. I tilted them forward last night by about 5 degrees but I did not notice any difference; the sweet spot was still 5 feet off the floor. Also, the sweet spot is very wide/long at this height; whether I was 3 feet or 10 feet away from the speakers, the sound was outstanding 5 feet off the floor.
Let me know if you need more information.
Boy, you are really in luck. I have a life guard seat that was used at a pool. It puts you five feet up, where you can survey your domain. Cost? Free if you come and get it. It is in Timbuktu, nothing but desert here. So, hurry before the native carry it off.