I found the sweet spot but it's 5ft off the floor

I finally found the imaging, stage and depth from my speakers but it's 5 feet off the floor. How do I move this to the seated position?
I have Maggie's 1.6's that are connected to Jolida 302a through a CJ preamp.

Hope you can help.
I would take a little time and see if the soundstage height grows on you. Many people with box speakers wish they could get the soundstage height up and Maggie owners are often happy that finally they have found a speaker with a realistic sound stage height and size.
Magfan, I turned the speakers around and had tweeters in/out but still got the same results. I pulled the speakers forward about 3 feet and brought my listening chair closer and then I narrowed the gap between the speakers.
I made one change at a time and each time listened to the same musical passage. It seems to me that when I brought the speakers closer to one another, the sound had more depth. I'll listen a few days and then tweak the set-up some more.
The fuses were good. Phase was confirmed. I don't know what you mean by toe in?
Thanks for the help so far.
good, your doing the right stuff with setup.
Toe? IF both edges of the speaker are the same distance to the front wall, ZERO toe. This is almost always a bad idea. Toe IN is generally the way panels are arranged. Toe in will be when the line straight from each speaker crosses in front or in back of you. This will adjust image width and can sometimes result in a hole in the middle. Toe 'in' results in the outer edges of the speaker being further from the wall than the inside edge.
Some even recommend placing the speaker EDGE ON to the listener. This is another set of experiments.

Again, you have a smallish room. I have used Maggies in such a small room many years ago and basically listened near field, making my panels into a huge set of headphones.
Magfan, thanks for the Toe explanation. The outer toes are further away from the wall.

I'm not sure if I need to start another thread but do you have any experience on how to fix mylar that is pleated?
I discovered a couple of days ago that when I played music with a boomier base one of my speakers was vibrating in the upper woofer area. I never noticed this before, I'm guessing because I used these maggies exclusively for jazz and classical.
I did some research and found that some owners had experienced similarly and discovered the root cause was the separation of the thin wire from the Mylar. Thinking this was the problem I proceeded to purchase the 3M adhesive from Magnaplan. When I removed the sock from the speaker I found the wires to be intact and well bonded to the mylar. Instead I found the mylar pleated at the top left corner of the frame. It looks like the film had not been stretched out properly during manufacturing. It's all bunched up in this area with an approximate coverage of 10 square inches. I confirmed that the cracking/buzzing/distorted sound was coming from the pleated area by playing the track that I originally discovered it with.
I opted not to touch it further but rather take photos and submit them to Magnaplan@service.com with a report of my findings.
The warrantee expired in 08' but I'm hoping that they will recognize this to be a workmanship issue and make me whole. or at the very least, offer a quick fix.
I emailed my report and pics yesterday. I'll call on Thursday to see if they have logged my complaint and determine if they have made a disposition.
I tried pasting some pics of the pleats but it wont allow me to. Is there a way I can add photos to this site? I want to alert Maggie owners that such defect can occur and will most definitely affect sound. I never got an opportunity to audition these in the store. They were back-ordered and my decision to buy was based on an audition of a floor model. I probably used them for about 100 hours and they were packed in their original packaging for almost 4 years until I decided to set them up last weekend.
You are past my direct knowledge.
HOWEVER, I'd recommend posting at Audio Asylum....in the Planar section.
Post a picture, too.

Magnepan is frequently knocked for quality issues. Given the bang/buck ratio, people tend to put up with it. I woudn't, and if I had the chance to speak with Wendel, quality would be my #1 concern. I've had extensive quality training and bring some real experience to the table. I'd work for a couple months for a pair of 20.1s, and help with all quality issues.

Magnepan, I'm told, changed glues sometime back. They formerly used 3M77 and an overcoat. The DIY crowd likes Gorilla Glue!

Post back with results of your querry to Magnepan. You can call 'em, too, and ask to speak with Wendel. He's a great guy to deal with and the 'go to' man.