NAD 316BEE vs. McIntosh MA6300, A Newbie Question

I just temporarily switched out my Mc with the NAD (from my office) to my primary location for listening and I was blown away with the comparable sound of the NAD.

Why is this (clearly a question from a newbie)?

A few logistics:
Room is not acoustically sound by any means. It is intended for romance first, nice view and fire place. So it has vaulted ceilings and a lot of windows.

I have the Trio Triangles.

I used a poor source when I noticed the comparison, streaming from Spotify.

...however, I did create an ideal position for listening once I discovered comparable sound qualities.

I'm asking this question because I want to maximize the Mc's potential. Maybe I need to consider the 2 channel in my man cave / theater room where I have much more ideal space acoustically.
You just discovered the NAD sound, very pleasing to many. I always recommend NAD to guys with good ears but on a budget...
