What speaker cables to buy for my Krell s300i amp?

My system consist of OPPO Bdp-95 blu-ray/cd player, Legacy Audio Classic speakers and the Krell s300i integrated amp.
Can anyone help the Barbman on a beer budget in selecting a
decent pair of speaker cables for my system? I'm currently using an old pair of Wireworld Atlantis cables in the full range mode but would like to bi-wire as I have in the past with other systems. I listen mainly to Jazz,Blues,mellow rock
classical and concert blu-rays. I've been reading up on Audioquest, Nordost, Kimber cable, just to name a few but don't want to spend more than what my Toyota cost to attain good sound from my current system. I keep hearing from reviewers who tested the Krell s300i that speaker cable selection was the key in getting the best performance from this amp? Thanks to all my audiophile friends at Audiogon!
I highly recommend Clear Day dbl shotgun speaker cables. They may be able to make you good jumpers as well. Take the speaker cable to the high post and jump low if you are going to go this route.
I would try the Mapleshade Double Helix speaker cables with Plus upgrade. $440/pair with 30-day trial period. I use them with my Mystere tube preamp, CODA Technologies SS amplifier, Rega turntable and Totem Sttaf speakers. I think they sound great after the break-in period is complete.

i had an s300i for about a year when they were released. tried a few speaker cables and came away feeling the acoustic zen santori shotguns/double barrels sounded the best using my aerial 7b's. (didn't try the reg/single line santori's)

not sure what your toyota is worth but if you find a pair of santori's that aren't "mint" (outside mesh chews up easily)....they can be had for well south of $500 depending on length. there's a pair listed now for $350.

kept them when i switched to a levinson 432 and have no desire to look any further. good all around speaker cable imho. my only complaint would be a little too thick/garden hose like.
Thanks a lot to all the audiophile friends who responded to my question I will most definitely look into all the cables mention particularly the one mentioned by Levy03. All the cables mentioned have very good reputations I guess in the end it will be a matter of taste and what I'm hearing.
To this day I haven`t seen any commercial hifi-cable that`s capable of feeding a speaker without major dynamic loss. That`s why I`m using thick massive copper, and I mean thick.
Just be aware that the copper will need about one hour of heavy massage to open up.

This funny things clear up some of the parameters, just not dynamic loss:
