Problem with lower frequency bass. Please advise.

I am just not getting adequate bass extension. That lower floor is really missing. I have dynaudio focus mk220 II loudspeakers, my source is an oppo 95, and my int amp is a musical fidelity a308. I use synergistic research cables and power cords and one Kaplan cable power cord. My room is approx 15x18 with one side open bc I am in an apartment. When listening, my speakers completely dissappear and I get a soundstage with excellent depth and size. I'm just not getting good enough bass extension and I want to avoid using a sub. Prior to the dynaudios I was using a pair of monitor audio gr10 monitors and the bass was terrific. I didn't have to use my sub (since sold). I switched to the dynaudio bc I wanted floors standers and I really like their sound. The ma's were a little bright and after many years I was ready for a change. Before buying the dyns I auditioned them with my amp but in a different location. The bass was adequate. Any suggestions?
I "hear" your pain. Bass is extremely complex as the room is so important. It is actually part of your "speaker" cone. No two speakers load to the room alike.

Most put the new speakers near where the older speakers were. This is almost always "wrong" for one of them. To get a good start, go to Vandersteens web page and look at the set-up instructions for speaker placement. Then, mark the practicle locations in your room.The spots should try to avoid bass resonance that makes thing BOOM. Sometimes we get used to BOOM, and don't like properly uniform bass.

After you measure your spots, move them about locations in a two foot circle. Usually, closer placement between speakes will reinforce bass if the walls aren't too close. If they are close to walls, the walls will dominate the bass boost.Don't be afraid to go "extreme" and stuff the speakers into a corner to reference worst (best?) case bass. Pay attention to the imaging, though. You want it to be balanced in the end.

My C4's and Quatro woods NEVER have sounded the same in the bass. So some of the issue is simply the bass "tone" itself. The Quatro was a warmer "heard" bass where the C4's are a visceral "felt" bass. The measured response was the same, or enough to say they both had ample bass extension.

If the DynAudio speakers you own now is like my C4 II signatures, the bass is a tighter crisper sound by nature of the speaker.
If they are on the short wall, try them on the long wall, or vice-versa. Believe me, the bass will change and then you'll know which configuration you like better...