Problem with lower frequency bass. Please advise.

I am just not getting adequate bass extension. That lower floor is really missing. I have dynaudio focus mk220 II loudspeakers, my source is an oppo 95, and my int amp is a musical fidelity a308. I use synergistic research cables and power cords and one Kaplan cable power cord. My room is approx 15x18 with one side open bc I am in an apartment. When listening, my speakers completely dissappear and I get a soundstage with excellent depth and size. I'm just not getting good enough bass extension and I want to avoid using a sub. Prior to the dynaudios I was using a pair of monitor audio gr10 monitors and the bass was terrific. I didn't have to use my sub (since sold). I switched to the dynaudio bc I wanted floors standers and I really like their sound. The ma's were a little bright and after many years I was ready for a change. Before buying the dyns I auditioned them with my amp but in a different location. The bass was adequate. Any suggestions?
Rower30 is right about speaker placement. Mapman is right on target with the amplifier question. What amp did you audition the Dyns with? From a recent experience, I feel that the Dyns may not be as sensitive as the MAs. Hence you are exoeriencing loss of bass (and overall body of the music). Is it possible to audition a more powerful amp in your home?
I felt the same when I went passive in a bigger room. Found out that I did not have enough gain in my system. Once I took care of the gain, it was heavenly music!!! Hope you are able to identify the issue in your config. Since you mention that the MAs were giving you enough bass, I am pretty sure, it is not the Dyns that are a problem.....but rather the speaker placement or power. Goodluck and let us know.
Thanks everyone. I have tried different placements but I still don't get that bottom end. I tried a pair of dyn excite 12 bookshelves in my system which gave terrific bass. I find it strange that the focus floor standers with an extra driver gives less bass. I originally auditioned the focus mk II's with a Naim integrated and cdp. my MF integrated is 150wpc which I think should be adequate power. I do notice that the dyn focus need some volume to really express themselves. Perhaps I can find a better synergy with an amp other than my musical fidelity a308.
Are the speakers hooked up properly in phase, ie + to + and - to - to both
speakers? Try reversing and and see if bass is better or worse. Its
possible but unlikely that something is not wired correctly.
I would turn the speakers straight at each other 18" away out of phase and let them break-in. The "face-off" just keeps the bass to a dull level as the drivers break-in. I think you have green speakers. The C4's I own took months to break-in. Don't get too impatient.
I used to own Dynaudio focus 220's and I sold them because they could not deliver the level umph that was required for listening to powerful orchestral music and it sound full and believable. So my suggestion would be to upgrade your speakers.