What city do you live in?

Just curious because I thought it might be cool to actually meet some of you in person and check out your sound systems. There are some incredibly knowledgeable people here who I'd imagine have incredible sound systems. I'm new to this and am going to my first audio show in Denver but I'd bet that some of you have better sound in your own homes. Also, is there a way to private message someone? Thanks in advance!
I think there are Who R U and Where R U threads that cover this ground as well, you might check them out. Elizabeth, you should add local audio clubs to the list, as those are a good way to meet others sharing our affliction.

Me, I'm not paranoid, I'm in Glen Ridge, NJ. The salt water crocs and pythons I keep roaming around my house as pets are effective deterrents to unwanted guests.
Portland Oregon, neither knowledgable nor posessing an incredible sound system. Maybe that's why I'm posting.

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